Whether it’s contained in a presentation, a website or a print ad for a new product, the message must be understood. Making sure your customers and employees—no matter where they are—understand what you’re trying to say is one of the most important things we do.
Exact product guide
Product guide for Exact Software’s food-service industry solutions. Translated from German to English.
Allianz digital standards
Analysis and guidelines for developing digital products for the global financial service provider Allianz. Translated from German to English.
Exact e-Synergy booklet
Booklet for Exact Software’s e-Synergy product. Translated from German to English.
Exact success stories
Exact Software success stories. Translated from German to English.
Exact infosheets
Four Exact Software infosheets. Translated from German to English.
Ringturm International
The quarterly newsletter Ringturm International was distributed to Wiener Städtische employees in more than 30 countries. Published in German and English.
Allianz E-StyleGuide
Selected pages from the Allianz E-StyleGuide, a massive online guide for global web designers and programmers creating websites for the global financial service provider Allianz and its subsidiaries. The project entailed translating, writing and editing more than 400 pages of text and graphics. Translated from German to English.
DMC presentation
Brief presentation for the DMC Group. Translated from German to English.
Mondi English-language packaging
English-language packaging for the Mondi Business Paper product line. Translated from German.
Prospeo manual
Selected pages from the comprehensive manual for Prospeo, the online insurance product from global financial service provider Allianz. This manual introduces Prospeo philosophy, facts and design standards to English-speaking Allianz employees worldwide. Translated from German to English.
Exact brochure
Infographic brochure for Exact Software. Translated from German to English.